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Switch on your metabolism naturally

Clinically proven weight loss powered by breakthrough plant ingredients that boost metabolism + reduce appetite. Safe for your hormones and health.

Shop Metabolism Ignite

Root-cause wellness for radiant health inside and out. Clinically proven results, 100% drug + side effect free.


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Weight Loss
Gut Health
Hormone Health
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*Independent studies on key ingredients in Metabolism Ignite *Independent studies on key ingredients in Fatigue Ease



  • Boosts metabolism and reduces appetite
  • 100% plant based + natural
  • Safe, with out side effects

Results from 7 independent clinical trials*

  • 9 lbs average weight loss when combined with dietary changes (2 trials)
  • 5 lbs average weight loss over 12 weeks without any dietary changes (1 trial)
  • 10% decrease ghrelin, reducing cravings
  • 55% decrease in leptin, reducing hunger and appetite
  • 55% increase in GLP-1, improving satiety and feelings of fullness
  • 12% decrease in systolic blood pressure in 6 weeks, for healthier blood pressure
  • 20% decrease in LDL, for healthy cholesterol and triglyceride levels

*Independent studies on key ingredients in Metabolism Ignite

Metabolism Ignite

Metabolism Ignite

$75 Shop Now
*Independent studies on key ingredients in Metabolism Ignite *Independent studies on key ingredients in Fatigue Ease

Clinically proven stress support


  • Restores energy levels from adrenal burnout
  • Improves mental clarity and sleep cycles
  • Strengthens the immune system

Results from clinical trials*

  • Reduces feelings of mental fatigue and exhaustion (within 2 weeks)
  • Improves sleep cycles for a more balanced and well-rested sleep (within 4 weeks)

*Independent studies on key ingredients in Fatigue Ease

Fatigue Ease

Fatigue Ease

$55 Shop Now

Our holistic approach

95% of visible beauty concerns are related to hormonal imbalance – and are directly connected to what’s going on inside – from slowed metabolism, to disrupted gut, or stress. Veracity treats symptoms AND targets the root cause.

Clinically Proven Ingredients

Doctor validated formulas

Rx quality, therapeutic grade supplements

100% Toxin + Endocrine Disruptor Free Skincare

Meet our Doctor Team

"Everywhere I go, women are so confused about their hormones and don’t have a starting point. Veracity closes that loop by offering women an opportunity to begin this very important discussion and fundamental pillar of their health. I could not be more pleased to join the Veracity team as we push the conversation on women's health forward."

Dr. Taz Bhatia

MD and Veracity Chief Hormone Officer

“Veracity stands apart from other beauty brands by empowering women with education and understanding. Its unique formulations are designed to change the skin from the inside out.”

Dr. Gabrielle Francis

NMD, Functional Medicine

“Veracity isn’t just a unique and forward-thinking beauty brand, it’s a fun and interactive means of getting in tune with your body. Veracity gives me the opportunity to help women beyond the confines of my office.”

Dr. Lainie Hurst

MD, Endocrinology

“The endocrine system has always fascinated me. When functioning it’s like a well-rehearsed orchestra; the brain is the conductor and the organs are the instruments Focusing on hormonal health allows the “song” emitted by body and mind to be harmonious. Veracity is addressing the root of problems rather than attempting to band-aid the problem. I am incredibly excited to join this team on their journey to improving women’s health.”

Dr. Jamie Knopman

MD, Reproductive Endocrinology

“Veracity is a no brainer. The test kit is a perfect illustration of what I tell my patients: our skin is a reflection of our inner atmosphere. I would be so impressed if a patient came to me with knowledge of their hormone levels—and it would make my job a heck of a lot easier!”

Dr. Angela Lamb

MD, Dermatology

Dr. Taz Bhatia
Dr. Gabrielle Francis
Dr. Lainie Hurst
Dr. Jamie Knopman
Dr. Angela Lamb

The Knowledge

