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{{hotelSearchRequest.destinationAddress}} {{hotelSearchRequest.checkindate.substring(0,2)+"/"+hotelSearchRequest.checkindate.substring(3,5)}} - {{hotelSearchRequest.checkoutdate.substring(0,2)+"/"+hotelSearchRequest.checkoutdate.substring(3,5)}}, {{hotelSearchRequest.rooms}} {{hotelSearchRequest.rooms > 1 ? 'Rooms' : 'Room'}}, {{hotelSearchRequest.adults}} {{hotelSearchRequest.adults > 1 ? 'Adults' : 'Adult'}}, {{hotelSearchRequest.children}} {{hotelSearchRequest.children > 1 ? 'Childs' : 'Child'}}
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{{hotel.address}}, {{}}, {{hotel.state ? hotel.state + ', ' : '' }}{{hotel.postalCode ? hotel.postalCode + ', ': '' }}
{{}}{{hotel.locale ? '\n (' +hotel.locale+')' : '' }}
Savings Calculation
This savings % compares your price to the highest price offered by this hotel for at least 14 days following your check-in date.
FREE cancellation before {{hotel.hotelRoomDetails[0].formattedFreeCancellationBefore}}
FREE cancellation before {{hotel.hotelRoomDetails[0].formattedFreeCancellationBefore}}
{{getCompiledValue(currencyMap[displayCurrency].symbol)}}{{roundOff(hotel.hotelRoomDetails[0].roomPrice/hotel.numberOfRooms)}}Avg. Per Night
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