If you love to cook, let lomi do the cleaning.

Odor free, pest free, guilt free. Take trash off your to-do list.

Simple, fast, convenient. It’s like composting, just easier.


Fill your bucket

Add your food scraps, coffee grounds, plant clipping, etc into your Lomi

See list of what can go in Lomi

Press One Button

Select your cycle at the touch of a button and Lomi works its magic.

Use the dirt

Better than compost, Lomi Earth is great natural fertilizer for your lawn, garden and plants.

If you love to cook, let Lomi do the cleaning.

Simply fill Lomi with whatever you don't eat, then push the button.

Lomi is your solution to a cleaner kitchen

Simply fill Lomi with whatever you don't finish eating, then push the button to reduce your kitchen waste, smells, and pests.

As seen on @getlomi

Ordinary people can make extraordinary environmental changes.

Over 200,000 households are using Lomi. That's 140 Million lbs of food scraps diverted from landfills per year! Better yet, that's lots of rich fertilizer to reinvest in the soil.