Holidays & Ownership

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Holiday parks across the UK

Welcome to Away Resorts. We have lots of amazing holiday parks in the UK, specialising in holidays, ownership and above-all, creating wonderful memories!

Seasonal breaks at our UK holiday parks

Reasons to book with us

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Everyday value prices
Flexible payment options icon
Flexible payment options
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Cancellation plan
Any day arrivals icon
Any day arrivals
Unique accommodation icon
Unique accommodation

We take great pride in our diverse range of lodges, caravans and exclusive holiday homes (that you won’t find anywhere else!) Each of our locations are within areas of natural beauty, places of interest, national parks and beaches – with every park having its own unique sense of charm and adventure.

Choose Away Resorts for your next family holiday, couples getaway or group holiday, and see exactly why we’re one of the highest rated holiday park operators in the UK.

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Touring & camping holidays image

Touring & camping holidays

Experience the beauty of nature with an Away Resorts touring and camping holiday. Immerse yourself in the sights and sounds of the great outdoors. With no worries of hotel bookings or flights, simply park or pitch your tent and let the adventure unfold!

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Download our brochure

Download our holidays brochure and take a sneak peak at all the exciting thing happening on our parks.

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Away Resorts is a trading name of Away Resorts Limited which is a company registered in England and Wales (Reg. number 06458827). Registered Office: 200 Maylands Avenue, Hemel Hempstead, HP2 7TG.  Various companies within the Away Resorts group are authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) for consumer credit broking activities. Please see here for details of these companies who act as a credit broker, not as a lender, for the introduction of customers to a limited number of finance providers who provide finance in relation to purchasing a static home/caravan/holiday lodge.  We may receive commission or other benefits for introducing you to such lenders.  Finance subject to status and income, written details available on request.  

Discovering different...

Whilst you wait... just think about being in your swimmers, the sun's out and the smiles are big