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Get A Free Chipolo

Share a unique link with your friends and when 3 of them make a purchase, you will get a promo code for your FREE Chipolo ONE or CARD that works with the Chipolo app.


Go to Chipolo app and tap the gift icon in the top right corner.


On the next screen, tap the ‘Invite Friends’ button.


The Chipolo app will create a unique link that you can share with your favorite messaging service.

Chipolo referral program for a free Chipolo key finder Chipolo referral program for a free Chipolo key finder

How do I Know?

Every time your friends make a purchase
using the link you shared, you get a
notification email.
Page Story Team2 Page Story Team2

Your Friends Get
Something Too!

By clicking on the link you share, your
friends will get access to a special
offer - 20% discount on their
first purchase.

Your cart

Free shipping applied

[[ item.snapshot.productCategory ]]

[[ item.snapshot.packaging.replace('Chipolo', '') ]] [[ item.snapshot.title ]] Size: [[ item.snapshot.options.product_label ]]

[[ item.subtotal | currency ]]

[[ group.header ]]

[[ group.item.title ]]

[[ group.item.packaging.replace('Chipolo', '') ]] [[ group.item.variant.title ]]

[[ variant.title ]]

How many Chipolos do you want to turn into gifts?

[[ selectedPouchQty ]] [[ totalNumberOfBoxes ]]

Save [[ (group.item.variant.full_price ? group.item.variant.full_price : 0) - group.item.variant.price | currency ]]

[[ group.item.variant.full_price | currency ]] [[ ( group.item.slug.includes('pouch') ? (selectedPouchQty * group.item.variant.price) : group.item.variant.price ) | currency ]]

Your cart is empty

But don't be sad! We've got you covered.

[[ notification.message ]]

Subtotal [[ cart.itemSubtotal | currency ]] [[ (cart.totalPrice - cart.totalTax) | currency ]]

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