GT Stand

GT Stand


The Onewheel GT Stand is clean, minimal and effective. A perfect addition to any home or office, it allows riders to dock their board vertically, maximizing space and keeping your spot clean. Choose order over chaos, and grab yourself a GT Stand.

Product Information

What is in the box

1x Onewheel GT Stand


  • Onewheel GT
  • Onewheel GT S-Series

Questions and Answers

  • Q: Is the Onewheel GT Stand compatible with other Onewheels?
  • A: Nope, the Onewheel GT Stand is designed for Onewheel GT.

Product Information

What is in the box

1x Onewheel GT Stand


  • Onewheel GT
  • Onewheel GT S-Series

Questions and Answers

  • Q: Is the Onewheel GT Stand compatible with other Onewheels?
  • A: Nope, the Onewheel GT Stand is designed for Onewheel GT.